Have you ever wondered why members join … and stay … in your association? Been curious about value drivers? Wanted to better understand various segments? Hoped to understand why members leave? If so, it may be time to invest in research.

Over the years, I’ve seen some impressive work from market research firms partnering with associations. I’m not talking about boiler-plate, off-the-shelf surveys. I’m talking about customized, in-depth inquiries that provide data designed to help drive strategy.

Matt Braun, Vice President of Client Services at Loyalty Research Center, shares some real-life examples of associations that have used survey results to direct strategy as well as discussing the issue of “survey fatigue.”

I often hear associations say they “can’t afford” to conduct professional research. My perspective is that most can’t afford not to — especially when it comes to making critical decisions about future activities. The best decisions are data-driven. And collecting data is what research is all about.